Προκαταρκτική φωτογραφική τεκμηρίωση του έργου, πριν την κάθετη ανάρτηση του στην προβλεπόμενη θέση χαρτογράφησης μέσω της κινητής πλατφόρμας

Preliminary photographic documentation of the project “30th March 1814”

12:00 am – 12:00 am

On Tuesday 31 May 2022, a technical meeting of the partners of the PROTEAS project took place in Athens, at the conservation workshops of the National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum (OPMAS) at the National Glyptotheque, in Goudi. In this space, the work “30 March 1814” by Muller Charles-Louis-Lucien was placed in a horizontal position, and was to be conserved with the help of a wheeled bridge, which allowed the conservator or the student of the work to approach the painting in its entirety. As part of the meeting, using the bridge, a preliminary photographic documentation of the project was carried out by the Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH.

Αποτέλεσμα της προκαταρκτικής φωτογραφικής τεκμηρίωσης του έργου
Result of the preliminary photographic documentation of the project.

Preliminary photographic documentation of the project, prior to its vertical posting at the intended mapping location via the mobile platform.

Detail of the preliminary photographic documentation of the work "30 March 1814" by Muller Charles.
Detail of the preliminary photographic documentation of the work “30 March 1814” by Muller Charles.

Snapshot of the preliminary photographic documentation of the project, by the Computer Vision and Robotics Laboratory of the FORTH Institute of Computer Science.

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